The workout
Contents of a training session
Basically every session is different. Taekwon-Do consists of a variety of components, some of which can be trained independently of one another and others must always trained simultaneously with others.
Two training sessions per week are the standard upon which the school curriculum is planned (and thus also the gradings). Once a week, the basics such as form, individual techniques, etc. are trained and once a week sparring, general condition, etc.
If a student is only able to train once a week, then the technique training should be the priority and there´s a chance that the grading periods are extended.
Each training session is planned for every level, which means that beginners can train side by side with experienced martial artists.
Organization of the groups
The children are divided into groups according to their age, but also according to their comfort. We can look for which group the different children fit best (this applies more so to children who are close to the age limit between the groups or who have siblings in the other group).
For adults, it is recommended to train either on Mondays and Wednesdays or on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In exceptional cases (and if there is still space in both groups), Mon-Thu and Tue-Wed would be possible.
In such cases, make sure to ask beforehand.
Catching up and "Homework"
It should always be possible to catch up on lessons by attending the training sessions of other groups. This is of course only possible after consultation if there are enough places available in the other groups.
The contents of each class are uploaded for each lesson. You have access to this on this website as a member (with an active membership) in the Members > Stundenpläne menu. So you can know what was done and possibly missed and catch up on it.
If a lesson is canceled because of the trainer, a plan for a training session will also be uploaded (if possible).